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Priyesh Modi
Oct 12, 2021
Company's MOI
Make sure that your Company's MOI authorises any director to call a Board meeting. #boardsofdirectors #corporatefinance
Priyesh Modi
Oct 5, 2021
Share buy-back
It is in the air until the SCA rules definitively on the topic, but for now in Johannesburg a share buy-back in terms of Sec 48(8)(b) of...
Priyesh Modi
Sep 28, 2021
Get the Documents Signed
Get the documents signed before the funds start flowing; otherwise, you may have bought yourself a court case instead of what you...
Priyesh Modi
Sep 21, 2021
Selling Restrictions in B-BBEE Documents
Selling restrictions in B-BBEE documents can bring you into conflict with the South African B-BBEE Commissioner, so examine these...
Priyesh Modi
Sep 14, 2021
Beware of the “Retrospective Effective Date”
It is not binding on SARS and officialdom and nor is it binding save on those who have agreed to be bound by it. So you need to work...
Priyesh Modi
Sep 7, 2021
Section 45 Companies Act – Financial Assistance
Don't think that just because you are dealing with a foreign company that Sec 45 (Financial Assistance) of the South African Companies...
Priyesh Modi
Aug 31, 2021
Sweat Equity
Best to get an independent expert to value “sweat equity” contributions to avoid spoiling the party before it starts. #boardsofdirectors...
Priyesh Modi
Aug 24, 2021
Buy & Sell Agreement
The provisions of the "Buy & Sell" Agreement produced by your financial advisers should be harmonised with the provisions of your MOI and...
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