Priyesh ModiAug 6, 2024Sheptstone & Wylie Attorneys v Abraham Johannes de Witt NO & OthersIn Sheptstone & Wylie Attorneys v Abraham Johannes de Witt NO & Others, the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa examined the validity...
Priyesh ModiApr 30, 2024Relief from Oppressive or Prejudicial Conduct)In the recent case of Van Der Watt v Schoeman and Others (3393/2022), the Eastern Cape High Court considered the application of section...
Priyesh ModiApr 23, 2024Reference SharesThere is a growing trend in South Africa towards utilizing preference shares as a means of raising additional capital for financing...
Priyesh ModiApr 16, 2024Business Continuity Management In South Africa, private companies often mitigate risks like key employees leaving or unforeseen business disruptions by relying on...